Artikkelen  "Basehopping – nasjonale selvbilder – sublime opplevelser"  er prisbelønnet og publisert i  Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 1-2, 2004.

English summary:

Having followed Norwegian base-jumpers during several seasons I appraise the phenomenon as a form of cultural reorientation in relation to Norwegian discourses of nature. 

The discourses are inspired by I. Kant’s theory of aesthetics presuming that the experience of physical grandeur in landscapes has a paradoxical character: both repulsive and attractive at one and the same time, which Kant calls ”sublime experiences”. An intersting issue is whether this relatively abstract understanding can be applied to the to the base-jumpers intense experiences of nature during the free fall sequences og the activity.

According to S. Lyng, high risk-behavior, or ”edge-work”, involves negotiating the boundary between order and chaos related to activities clearly threatening one’s physical or mental well-being or sense of an ordered existense. I interpret the base-myth ”personal control” as an edge-work strategy by which to underestimate high risks.

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Artikkelen "Fjellhopping" er publisert i 2004-årboka til Den Norske Turistforening: 
Bratt Vått Luftig
. Den er populærvitenskapelig og lettlest.

Klikk på forstørrelsesglass i verktøylinjen øverst på siden hvis skriften er liten.

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Denne artikkelen er en idehistorisk gjennomgang av tenkningen rundt natur, friluftsliv og utmark i Norge og publisert i det elektroniske tidsskriftet Utmark - tidsskrift for utmarksforskning.

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